We will repair ship propellers of any kind

We at Neveta Náutica specialized for repairing ship propellers.

Propeller defect ? We are the solution

By our selfdesigned machine for propeller  can we measure exactly an align bent propellers with the adjustable hydraulic cylinders.   


If you have a damaged propeller, contact us before ordering a new one. Often a repair ist worthwile and you can save money!

contact us


We repair Propeller 

in stainles steel, aluminium and bronze. The repair involves measuring the slope , judge, welding, balance, sanding and polishing. In addition we also change the slope if necessary according to the customized.

Defekter Propeller eines Segelschiffs


Von uns reparierter Propeller eines Segelschiffs


Defekter Propeller eines Segelschiffs


Von uns reparierter Propeller eines Segelschiffs


We are the solution

We do not only convince with our years of technical experience.

We work together as a team to solve your problem.

Our propeller machine